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Student life

My journey is a little out of the ordinary. However, some may agree/disgaree with that statement. Let me explain....

I graduated from North Olmsted High School in 2008 (if you do the math, you'll figure out my age!). NOHS wasn't the only high school I attended, I also went to Parma High for a year. With that said, I moved a lot as a child. But, I believe that's why I'm so adaptable nowadays--change doesn't bother me. For example, I went to Tri-C right after graduation, transferred to Cleveland State, transferred to Kent State and now I'm back. When I began my college journey, I decided I wanted to work in public relations because, at the time, I believed that suited me best. I stuck with it up until I returned to Cleveland State and realized that it wasn't exactly the right fit for me. After meeting with my faculty advisor, I discovered journalism was the best fit as I dream to work in broadcast one day--(bascially, I want to be the next Ryan Seacrest!).

One may be thinking, "why is your journey out of the ordinary?" and my answer to that would be: It is out of the ordinary according to me. I don't see myself as your typical college student who moved away, lived in a dorm, had a meal plan, maybe a campus job and graduated in 4 (maybe 5) years. When I graduate in Decemeber 2016, I will have been in school for 8 years (I should have my doctorate by then, right?!)--I kid. My journey has been full of ups and downs, but it has helped me discover myself. I wouldn't trade my story for the world because it's mine to tell and no one elses. I'm blessed that I have even had the priviledge of going to college, as there are many people in this world who have never and will never get that opportunity. With that said, I may have taken a bit of a detour, but that's okay because the unexpected obstacles I have experienced were handed to me for a reason-- for that, I'm forever thankful.

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